SCANDAL: New BINGO Cards for Season 3 Finale 4.17.14

Just in time for tonight’s finale.  Click Bingo Season 3 Finale to download new Bingo cards.  You don’t have to be present to win. HOW TO PLAY:  Watch the episode for clues that appear on the card. 1.Get all the squares on a row covered (straight or diagonal), 2. Take a picture of the card and text it in to the circle leader.  3.  The first person to get their card with a valid bingo in WINS.  This way more friends are able to participate.  You can even start your own SCANDAL BINGO Circle with these cards, or generate your own.  Download BINGO cards here: bingo 3×11 Ride Sally Ride.  Download BINGO cards for episode 3×12 airing March 6, 2014 here.  Download BINGO cards for episode 3×15 airing March 27, 2014 here:  Mama Said Knock You Out New gladiator inspirations for season 3 have a gypsy flair.  I utilized some of my favorite colors in these designs. Gladiator jewelry is available at my etsy store. photo 2 photo 5

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